About me

Welcome to my website, Create For Work. I am Catherine Perez, the maker of this blogging website. 


First of all, I am a proud mother of a cute, kind boy who is now 2 years old. I work part time in health care but not as a nurse, although I have a nurse diploma and a registered nurse in the Philippines. For me, it is not a big deal. I am still contented with what I have. With this job, I have more time with my family especially with my son and my hobby, crafting. 


Aside from taking care of my son in my free time, making crafts and arts is also my passion. I love creating, designing and decorating things. I have so many ideas in my mind that sometimes I don't know where to begin. They just come and be stocked in a pile of ideas. 


Crafting is said to be my stress reliever. During my down moments, creating something makes me calm. It just helps me mentally. That is what I need. 


Hoping that one day with my craft making, I can earn something. That is why I chose Create for Work as the website's name. I just have the feeling that someday I can work the way I want to and with the things I love to do. 


Favorite motto:

Work smarter with passion!